For The Feast’s closing chapter, we invite guests to a wonderland where art, design, culinary delights – and the fantastic – converge in a scintillating Sunday champagne brunch, hosted at Firangi Superstar.
The restaurant’s cinematic interior sets the stage for a visual feast – its lush decor is a dream conjured – a fantasy of colonial India seen through modern eyes. This world of the wild and wonderful also come to life through Matteo Cibic’s quirky, surreal glass creatures, and Spencer Hansen’s otherworldly figures fashioned from fun and wood.
The exquisite “bottle botanicals” from Studio Wawi Navarroza, crafted in collaboration with artisan Benito Rosario, blossom from upcycled plastic-fantastic, and the artist joins for this convivial closing event – an experience where flora, fauna and fine dining, collide and collude.
This event is in partnership with